Bug Fix: Sometimes after rescuing a new girl the game stuck on a certain level.
Bug Fix: Overall graphic settings get reset every time.
Added FOV slider.
Added marker to the last few enemies left.
Balanced armor value.
Increased accuracy and reduced spread when aiming down sight
Increased player weapon accuracy in general
Decreased size of crosshair
Reduced recoil by a small amount
Increased walking speed
Player character respond better to inputs(accelerate faster)
Reduced movement camera bob
Fixed the Train Yard map.
Fixed the junkyard and polished the map more.
Fixed the Energy Station map.
Fixed the Transmitter map.
Added hold/release scope function
Reduced enemy accuracy in general
Added enemy accuracy reduction effect when they get hit
Reduced enemy accuracy when the target they are shooting at is moving fast
Reduced armor for certain types of enemy
Increased bullet velocity by around 2 times, and reduced bullet drop.
Improved enemy reaction to shots, making suppressor more useful especially in long-range.
For the next few updates:
Keep polishing maps.
Keep improving combat balance and gun-play.
Polish dating scenes/dialog.
Add the wardrobe feature(beta)
Polish the dating simulation gameplay.
Thanks for your feedback and support!
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